Monday, October 6, 2014

Be Creative

Being creative is the funnest thing to do.  This is something you can do without nobody judging you.  It's like your own inventions.  If you are bored, you can always be creatve.  Not even if you are bored, you can be creative when ever you want to.  In your free time.

In your room, house, outside, and even make something creative for someone as a gift.  You don't want to wait for christmas.  In your room you can make creative designs with paper for your walls.  You can acctually think about something creative to make your room more like you.

Being crreative outside it a bit more fun.  The reason why is because outside, there are more things you can find and make things out of them.  For example, plants and recycling things.  You can cut cardboard and make a simple house.  Then, you can find a little rock and glue it to the door as a door knob.  Then get a small flower for the front door.  SWo it could be like a wreath, kinda, except it's not for christmas.  Then find more things to finish it.

Be creative.

The Beautiful Mountains

In the mountains, you can breath fresh, clean air.  Air you can't even breath at home.  All you breath is polutted air.  The air in the mountains, feel like you are free to be, and also feels like you are the only human that is breathing this  clean, fresh air.  More like nobody has ever touched this air.  It feels like it is cleansing you body, when you breath with urge for this air.

Plants.  These plants, are plants you don't even see at home!  When you see these plants, you are amazed , because they are plants you have never in your life seen before.  They have bright, dark and pale colors.

When you are in the mountains, it feels like you live there.  There are beautiful parks surrounded by trees feeling like you are protected.

These mountains are in Colorado.

My Canary

Yellow and brown is how my canary looks like.  Small and soft is how my canary is.  With one chirp canaries give, is all I need to make my day.  They have such a beautiful unique voice of their own.

I have a male canary named Parches.  You say his name in a spanish way of saying it.  He sings beautifully everyday.  When he hears music, he gets the hang of it, and then he starts to sing.  Parches is trained by my dad.  When my dad opens his cage, and puts his hand in, Parches knows that my dad is going to take him out, and Parches hops on my dads hand.  When he comes out, he is free to be in the house.  When you see him fly, it looks like he is floating in the air like an elegant bird.

You can just cuddle with him.  Except not cuddle, cuddle because then he will sufficate, and sadly then die, and then I will cry a lot day and night.

I had two canaries berfore but then they dide, and us not knowing what happened.  Their names were Lulu and Copetona.  We called Copetona like that because in spanish, it means a lot of bangs and she was one of those unique canaries with bangs.

Friday, October 3, 2014


How do you feel inside when you are alone?  Do you feel like telling someone?  Well, you can do something about it.  Writing.  When you write, you get all those emotions out.  You feel like you have someone to tell.  The paper, is that someone.  Well, you are also telling the pen you're writing with because the pen itself is writing when you are controlling it.  The paper feels it, I mean feels it.....  deeply.  When you cry, and lands on the paper, it goes through because it's sensitive.  Yes that sensitive.  Try writing your feelings on paper, and save it.  You will feel better, because you already told someone.  That someone, as I said is called paper.  Write in the paper.

Monday, September 29, 2014

My Sisters

Beautiful.  My sisters are beautiful and creative.  They bring so much happiness into my life.  When i'm sad, they help me forget about my problem.  I love my sisters and they are really comfortable to be around with.  If they don't know you they make you feel like you are part of us.  They make you feel comfortable.  My sisters are creative.  It's like they can decorate anything.  A baby shower, your room, your house even!  That's cool huh.  Also my sisters can do anything.  Not exactly anything, but it's kinda like that.  They can help you feel really happy when you are sad, they can give you advice. Almost about anything.  My big sister can draw amazing things, fix anything and does things you can't even imagine!.  My other sister, which came after my big sister...... can do amazing nails.  Make an appointment, and she will leave your nails like angels did them.  Except, don't make an appointment, because there is no business, sorry.  Moving on, they have beautiful, cute, adorable, kids/babies.  My sisters are the most amazing sisters that I have ever had in my whole entire life!  Live life with your sisters and love your sisters.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

About soccer

Soccer is my favorite sport to play.  Playing soccer makes me feel happy and awesome like a pro.  I want to be a pro someday.  Soccer has something hiding behind it or something that makes me love it.  It's probably because I can kick the ball with my right foot.  Mmmmmm, no, I don't think so.  It is something else.  I just don't know.  Well moving on, soccer is a great form of exercise as there is lots of running for good distances.  Soccer is like a test of dexterity meaning skill.  The early growth of soccer started in England.  That is cool, because it was kinda like cultural diffusion somehow, because now soccer is played in every country.  It started in England, and is now played in every country.  Soccer's history is really cool.  Spread around the world!  Play soccer and you will see how fun it is.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Mojo is my dog, a male Cairn Terrier.  Mojos' fur looks dirty blond like these two dogs.


1. Round eyes
2.  Short/long tail
3. Loves to play ball
4. Loves food
5. Does not like baths

  Mojo is one unique dog.
Once, I threw the ball in the air and he thought it went to the trailer, so he was really desperate to get the ball the he flipped over the stairs outside and landed on his feet!  Believe it or not I thought cats can only do that, but turns out dogs can too.  Mojo makes me laugh sometimes.  I play with him and he makes this cute noise that makes me laugh.

When i'm inside, and knock on the window, he comes and when he see's my face, it looks like he is smiling!  I showed my mom, and she said "is he smiling?"  So that's when I found out my dog smiles.  I can't believe it.  MY dog smiles!  It's just soo weird.

Mojo's mom, used to play with my brothers toy cars.  When my brother, would push the cars and make it go fast, she would chase it, and go away after she chased it.  Mojo is just like his mom.  Except, he doesn't chase toy cars.

He is one unique dog.